Warstein International Balloon Fest--Waltz of e Balloons

Warsteiner Internationale Montgolfiade (WIM) 2009
Waltz von die Ballons

Warstein International de Montgolfières--Valse des Ballons

I was told by Herr Jules, my classmate, that the International Balloon Festival is taking place this weekend at Warstein, where hundreds of balloons will be released simultaneously. The news thrills me instantly. Despite the cloudy weather on Saturday and the possibility of event cancellation in the case of a downpour, I decide to give it a go!

Warstein may look like within stone’s throw from Dortmund on the map but it is actually quite a daunting task to travel there. I have to go through 4 transits of trains (Kley—Dorstfeld—Dortmund HBF—Hamm—Lippstadt) before hopping on the R61 bus at Lippstadt. It took the bus well over 40 minutes to arrive at Wartein city center. And there I get off at the Waldpark, then go on foot for 1 km and finally reach the balloon launch field. In total it took me 3 hours and a half to get to this place. Phew!

The long trip is paid off with a beaming reward! The balloon fest is totally awesome! It is a fairytale of the most phantasmagorical cast! A spectacle of utter resplendence and fantasy!

听说这个周末在百年老字号華士坦啤酒的故乡Warstein城举办国际气球节,届时将有几百个气球同时升空的壮观景象,偶顿时雀跃万分,虽然礼拜六这天阴晴不定, 极有可能下雨并取消活动,偶还是毫不犹豫的跳上了去Warstein的火车。Warstein距Dortmund的平面位移非常之小,不过实际旅行距离非常之不小,为了到达这座小城 ,我不远百里转了4次火车1次汽车,到达Warstein市中心后再徒步穿过野生公园1公里,终于胜利抵达此行目的地!

Am 12 September bin ich nach Warstein gefahren und habe das Ballon-Fest besucht. Es ist Europas größtes jährliches Ballon-Fest. Der Himmel war schwach bewölkt. Glücklich es hat nicht geregnet. Das Fest hat auf dem Montgolfiade-Gelände im Waldpark stattgefunden. Es hat viele leute, Spielen und viel essen auf dem Gelände gegeben. Der Abendstart war um 15:30. Der erste Ballon ist um 18:15 Uhr abgeflogen. Danach sind alle Ballons abgeflogen. Die Sicht war sehr gut! Es war wie im Bilderbuch oder im Märchen. Um 20 Uhr bin ich nach Hause gefahren, und um Mitternacht bin ich zu Hause angekommen.

Music: Airship (Hunter X Hunter)
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The entire field is crowded with zillions of people and flourished with games, food, events and of course German’s lifeblood beer.


If you are really keen to try the hot-air-balloon but worried about being blown to the Himalayas, this comical cold-crane-balloon might worth a ride.

There are quite a few balloon vendors at the event as well. You can get a starter balloon in your backyard for just 4k Euro. It will be really cool to fly to work in one of these things and land it on the rooftop of your company building--right above e office of ur boss.

会场上也有很多气球商,只需花4千欧元就可以弄一个简单的私人热气球放在院子里,平时没事儿可以在邻里地区飞来飞去 串门,早上可以飞去上班,飞过公司窗口时对老板和同事们挥手致意,然后泊在公司楼顶。


Look at that formidable flooding of cars! There is no wonder how many times I have been struck in traffic jam while trying to reach here.


The Dummy’s Guide to Hot Air Balloon Inflation   热气球充气全过程图示

The lead balloon only takes 10 minutes to be fully inflated. Just wonder how long it will take to blow up a balloon this size with our mouths.

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After the event officer gives the launch signal, all the pumps in the field started to work feverishly to get their butts off the ground and to hurtle themselves into the embrace of the blue sky…literally as there is a massive stratonimbus cloud looming in the horizon with clear intention to visit the balloon festival. The participants will be offered a grey sky soon.


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It is a spectacle that I have envisioned only in my fondest dreams. The kaleidoscopic balloons hover from the ground all the way to the heavenly infinity, forming a prismatic pathway ferrying people’s fancies to the Never Never Land. As the gentle breeze is wafting the balloons beyond the reach of the cloud, our hearts and souls are ringing out with joy into the open sky.


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More balloons are dispatched and join their celestial brothers and sisters


The balloons are like shiny ornaments of the celestials. The whole sky is gemmed with iridescent balloon-nacreous.


Thirsty? Try and grab this!

The g-force is not stopping this chubby dude from reaching cloud nine!

Along comes a fox!


This last Warsteiner Balloon carrying all the VIPs missed the speaker pole by just a few inches. Some of the passengers on board really need to go on a diet.


The Warstein 'Express' that does not run on tracks. (I think it means Express Inflation. In terms of horizontal velocity, I can beat it with my two-wheeler.

Dumbo, the Elephant

Brandenburger Tor


The Warstein town in the vista is overspread by the lurid sunlight of the dusk. A parachute can be seen in the sky afar.
夕阳映红了远处山间的Warstein小城. 远处天空中一伞兵正徐徐降落。

The finale of the launch! It is big! It is green! And it is not e Hulk!   压轴的怪兽哥斯拉出来了!


What a juggernaut! The cars beside the feet of this humongous tyrannosaurus look like small beetles. In terms of sheer size, the Godzilla beats the Devastator in Transformer 2, hands-down!


By chaining up a series of photos, we have here e Wake-of-e-Monster playback.


This big fellow takes a good 30 minutes to stand up. But once his feet are set “firmly” on the ground. He can simply blow the mind out of everyone…Well, I have been refraining from kicking his Popos (butt) to see whether I can knock him out. This would be the single most voluminous object I would have kicked off!


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Due to weather and timing concerns, the 'gigantor' is not going to be released. Instead the spectators are given the opportunity to have physical contact with this leviathan. I managed to push my way in (to kick his butt), only to find that I will need 10 of me stacking vertically to reach his rear part.

由于天气和天色关系,哥斯拉同志没有被放出去,反而观众们被放了进来,可以对该拉进行摸、扯、咬、舔等各种物理接触,偶好不容易挤进去准备给他屁股一脚,结果发现那屁股在我头上十几米处晃悠呢 。跳起来试试吧

Even the jumbo airship is dwindled before the very might of the green colossus


As darkness falls, the field is dazzling with merry-go-round, big splash, mini bungee jump and casinos. The kids are unleashed in full power; and so are the food vendors. I have a cup of Chinese noodle and a hot dog for my dinner--under the looming shade of the Godzilla.

夜幕低垂,场地周围的游乐场对孩子们闪着诱人的迷光,小朋友们开始对旋转木马、蹦级、激流勇进、小赌场展开了肆无忌惮的蹂躏。卖吃喝的大叔大婶也火力全开,到处都是长长地觅食人龙,偶寻到了一份炒面条和一个热狗,在哥斯拉阴森的巨影 笼罩下吃得津津有味。

Construction vehicle  建筑铲土车气球

The balloons return to the field after their fun rides and usher in the night lights-up


Time for home! While waiting for the last bus, I take a bummel in the Markt (Warstein CBD). The shops have closed long before 8pm but there are many interesting gadgets in the display windows.


These pretty ceramic toys have got some pretty price tags to go with them.

Cute chicks wearing winter hats  戴冬帽的可爱小鸡

A few more adorable animals  再来几只可爱的动物

A lovely fairy made entirely from different parts of a pine tree.
I would really love to grab her and one of those chickens home if the shop is still open.

This is closely priced as the mid-ranged tableware in Karstadt. The more expensive ones can easily fetch a few k Euro.
400欧的不锈钢餐具,DortmundKarstadt里有不少几千欧 一套的,里边不知道掺了多少稀有金属。

Tableware with sexy curved body contour  曲线玲珑的餐具

Spectacles and Jewelries with first class Witchcraftsmanship


It is already midnight as I take a train in Soest to return to Dortmund. My spirit is still high. My mind is still filled with lively remembrance of the magnificent balloon fest. In my leisure, I wrote a limerick dedicated to Class A1.
The glamour of the moon shimmers by my window. The journey back home is well ahead.

坐在回程的火车上时已经是大半夜,不过心情非常愉快, 脑海中仍不时浮现那令人心驰神往的气球彩桥,闲暇间为我们的A1德语班写了一首短诗。