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欧洲的街头艺人  street artist



随时随地晒太阳 sunbath anywhere any time

intricate clothes hanging ropes in Venice

the naked truth is right behind

this guy looks stumbled. but he is indeed just break-dancing.

典型的渣滓工程,居然用啤酒瓶当旅游名胜Sagrada Familia的建筑材料,倒是很符合西班牙人的性格
Look at what they use to build the Sagrada Familia, the most famous structure in Barcelona.

Paris at night from e Eiffel Tower

阿姆斯特丹Sex Museum外很多只羊一大早就来等开馆
Queuing for Sex              Museum

注意了,窗户里面那几个可都是活人   Real Live-ads! The five persons there are breathing and alive!

this is what happens when you run out of bicycle parking space

you can lock your bike, but not your tyre

this ape has roared for half an hour non-stopped

how on earth did they get up there!

美丽悠闲的明斯特  e beauty of Munster

德国农村上课还用这玩意  German village primary school

都是巧克力做的,你敢吃么?  all from chocolate!

哥本哈根童话故事般的小房子   Fairytale hut in Copenhagen

巨型温度计   gigantic thermometer in Munich

在波茨坦Park Sanssouci看到这玩意,开始以为是国王的室外澡盆,后经领我去的德国友人介绍才知道是给马喝水用的,真奢侈阿!
I thought this is the king's bathtub but then I was told that it is the trough for the horse to drink!

Siegessaule in Berlin...the birds have victoriously taken over!

在慕尼黑幸运的看到彩虹  rainbow in Munich

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